Nearly everyone looks at a sunflower and it puts a smile on their face. It instantly reminds them of hope and optimism. This annual herb, native to North America, spends its days following the sun and looking for the light. North Dakota had the highest production volume of sunflowers, at over 1.1 billion pounds in 2023. It’s a common sight, not only on my walks, but in my art. The neighbours pasture lit by a glowing orange sky, is a sweet backdrop for these sunny flowers.

Head here to see the map of the brightest and active fields in North Dakota!

inspiration photo of setting sun behind a row of trees with sunflowers in the foreground

About the quilt block

The Hopes and Wishes quilt block was published in the 1975 Quilters Newsletter Magazine. In 1969, Libby Lehman began her black and white newsletter that would become the popular publication that focused on quilt history. In 1976, it sent its Quiltmobile around the country to exhibit quilts and teach quilting, helping to fuel the late 20th Century quilt revival, ceasing publication in 2016

Hopes and Wishes quilt block
A quilt using the Hopes and Wishes quilt block could look like this.