Hello world!

Hello! Welcome to my place! I’m re-starting this whole blog thing with an introduction.

This is me and

this is where I hang out most days.

Most people would use this space as a living room and until 2010, that’s how we used it. That’s when it became my studio. We live in a 100+ year old house that we moved and gutted. In 2016, after 10 years of longarm quilting for hire, I added a second, computerized machine. Now, I love to combine all of the different techniques for quilting into a quilt. Often, I’m just doing a computerized edge to edge design on someone’s quilt but, the right one can really make a quilt come to life.

Every once in a while I create something for the sake of creation. I love learning, experimenting with unusual materials and using my longarm to make as much of it as I can. This is something my husband and I created for our grandson.

Sometimes I go back to my roots and dig out the paint. Lately, I’ve been painting on fabric to incorporate into my art pieces. Add in some yarn couching, felting and thread work and my world has come full circle.

I hope to use this space as a place to share the happenings in my work and my life. If you’ve found yourself here, I appreciate your interest and hope that you’ll follow along on my journey.


Originally posted on July 30, 2021

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